Alice Nicolay
Alice has a background in community development, fundraising, campaigning, and organisational development, having worked and volunteered with a number of organisations within the charity sector since 2002. She has worked with refugees and asylum seekers in organisations including Freedom from Torture, and as a trustee for the Survivors of Torture Relief Fund and TortureID. She joined GTL in 2022 to support their fundraising efforts and became a Trustee in 2023.
Augusta Ward
Augusta is a long-term GTL volunteer trained in horticultural therapy, with a depth of knowledge around biodiversity and community forestry. She is employed as a medical secretary at a busy GP surgery, where she established and manages a community garden. She brings strong group facilitation skills, knowledge of the wider support landscape, and expertise around organisational admin, safeguarding and project management.
Jaqui Cotton (Chair)
After qualifying as a social worker, Jaqui spent 15 years employed in the NHS and voluntary sector, working with people around drug use, homelessness, and mental health difficulties. She is a Trustee of Asylum Matters, and member of the Greater Manchester Migrant Destitution Action Group. She has volunteered with GTL since 2010, establishing our People Support Team, standing in solidarity with our members, and sharing in our joyful community at the Garden.
Nicola Scott
Nicola previously volunteered for GTL, having established and delivered environmental, social and therapeutic gardening projects with communities across Manchester, including projects supporting asylum seekers. Previously employed as a research manager with Rethinking Economics, she currently manages projects to advocate for greater equality and inclusivity in farming, enabling a diversity of people to access and steward farmland, particularly periurban areas.
Shamim Afshan
Shamin has been a core member of GTL for many years, and brings a wealth of experience and expertise. She brings insights from her own journey navigating the asylum system, and how organisations can best offer support. She has volunteered with several refugee sector and community research projects, and is well networked and respected within a wide range of community groups.
Tom Spencer (Treasurer)
Tom is a founding and long-term member of the GTL volunteer team, with skills and experience in horticultural therapy, financial governance and IT management. Employed as a research scientist, he brings skills in project management, fundraising and facilitating gardening and construction activities. He is deeply committed to maximising participants’ ownership and leadership of the project.